Tuesday 15 November 2016

Final Animation, The Big One - Pre Production

The Big One
We have been given the task to create one big final animation using any one of the animation techniques we have been learning over the past couple of weeks, Claymation, Cut Out Animation, Pixelation, Toy Mation/Object Animation. We decided to use a mix between 3 different animation, Claymation, Object Animation and Cut Out Animation. 

Our story is about a small worm called Willy, Willy the Worm, the worm lives in a recycling container and has a postcard dropped into the container, and thinks about his friend in the other country, Willy sets out using recyclable material he finds in the container and creates an plane to help him fly to where he wants to go, at the end we see willy fly off into the sunset.

We created a very detailed page of notes for our idea and started on our Pre Production : Brainstorms, Proposal x3 = 1 Proposal for our main idea and 2 other proposals each for our own separate ideas, a storyboard and a Production Schedule. 

We had the idea to use recyclable materials as they would be easier to get hold of and easy to create props we would need for the animation. To make the models we will be using clay and create various objects we will be collecting.
Notes from the Lesson

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