Tuesday 22 November 2016

The Big One - Pre Production

Pre Production


Individual Proposal 


Production Schedule

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Final Animation, The Big One - Pre Production

The Big One
We have been given the task to create one big final animation using any one of the animation techniques we have been learning over the past couple of weeks, Claymation, Cut Out Animation, Pixelation, Toy Mation/Object Animation. We decided to use a mix between 3 different animation, Claymation, Object Animation and Cut Out Animation. 

Our story is about a small worm called Willy, Willy the Worm, the worm lives in a recycling container and has a postcard dropped into the container, and thinks about his friend in the other country, Willy sets out using recyclable material he finds in the container and creates an plane to help him fly to where he wants to go, at the end we see willy fly off into the sunset.

We created a very detailed page of notes for our idea and started on our Pre Production : Brainstorms, Proposal x3 = 1 Proposal for our main idea and 2 other proposals each for our own separate ideas, a storyboard and a Production Schedule. 

We had the idea to use recyclable materials as they would be easier to get hold of and easy to create props we would need for the animation. To make the models we will be using clay and create various objects we will be collecting.
Notes from the Lesson

Tuesday 1 November 2016


Claymation Animation
Claymation Animation is when you use some sort of 3D Molding material such as Clay, it is very similar to cut out animation but cut out is 2D, with Claymation you get more freedom. Some popular Claymation are things like Wallace and Gromit,Shaun the Sheep and Morph.

What did we do?
We were set a task to work individually but I didn't have a phone with me and had to share a camera we ran into problems with the camera and ended up working together. I had already created a crocodile so my partner created another one a different color and make them look like there swimming beside each other but started to do random ideas and didn't really have a story or a meaning.

I think it went quite well but I would've preferred to work by myself if I had the equipment but time was running so we went this idea.

Our Animation 

I think this turned out quite alright, i just wish i was able to keep the camera in the correct place, which created the movement you can see. Also when you moved the models sometimes the paper would meaning moving it back and then moving the camera to fit would mess up the shot.

Another Example

This is another film made by a small YouTuber, the story is basically just him at the bus stop who gets picked up. They took a lot of time on this and had a still camera which made the production value a lot better.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Toy Animation/Stop Motion Animation

Toy Animation
Toy animation is using stop motion animation to move the toys inch by inch to create the illusion of movement, you could also use any objects to create this sort of animation.

What did we do?
We had the idea to use the props we were given to create a mini penalty shoot out and I think it went quite well, but I think we started to rush towards the end and had the idea that we had quite a lot of footage when we didn't, so if we had just taken the time to take a few more photos. There's a lot more we could have added in my opinion. We also used the camera on my phone and I think getting the objects to focus was quite difficult just because I hadn't really used my phone camera much, especially for something like this but we have learnt and will change things for next time.
Screenshot from the Animation

Screenshot from our animation

Another Example
This is another example of Toymation, in this one they are using Lego Sponge bob Toys and making then move. In the sequence he dreams of being on the red carpet.

Our Finished Animation

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Pixilation Animation

Pixilation Animation
Pixilation Animation is using real people to instead of objects to create an animation, using different movements. You can create lots of different movements and you can make it seem like a person is flying or gliding along the floor and because there really people you can have lots of different possibilities.

What we did?
We did not have one single idea and kept changing the idea and experienced some technical difficulties as we could sort the settings out on our camera, specifically the shutter speed as it made taking the pictures blurry and ruined our idea so we kept changing and in the end decided to mix all of our ideas in to one video.

It did not go very well and I believe it would have gone better if we had a plan and had one final I idea we could have had one final video and a better idea.

Screen Shot of our Animation, one of the better clips. 

Our Animation

As you can see its over exposed and choppy because of the shutter speed and was really disappointed by the end result. You can also see the over exposure and we need to be more careful next time.

Another Example

This is another example of another college Pixilation, they use lots of different movement and make a sort of chase of sequence, using lots of different settings and backgrounds.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Cut Out Animation

Cut Out Animation
Cut out animation is using 2D Images to create Stop Motion animation, you move the shapes to make it look like the moving by taking a picture each time. You can use things like cardboard, paper, photographs and fabric. You move your object each time frame by frame and take a picture, this will create a image which looks like its moving.
An example of cut out animation
What our group did?
Our group was given the word Shadow and we had the idea of putting a man on the beach
Scene from our cut out animation
swallowing a fish, we used grey paper to make it look like a shadow, we had some problems as our set was moving and I think we should have glued it down and think we will learn from our mistakes. If I could change anything is it would be two glue down out background so we could keep our consistency and make sure we can see less of the background.
Scene from out cut out animation

Our Finished Animation

History of Animation


History of Animation
1825 Thaumatrope: A spinning disc with images either side. When the disc is spun it looks like the images are on the same side of the disc, combining the images one of the first steps towards modern animation. This could also be called a magic lantern, historians are not exactly sure who invented the thaumatrope, but some say it was Peter Roget, Sir John Herschel and Charles Babbage.
Old Picture showing how a Thaumatrope Worked

1834 Zoetrope: Created by William Horner, this a device has images on the inside of a spinning wheel and the viewer looks through the slits and it looks like the images are moving. This was 1st called a Daedalum, aka the wheel of the devil which was later renamed wheel of life.
How a Zoetrope Worked

1868 Flip book: A book with pictures which change slowly from each page to the next, when the pictures start moving they eventually act out an animated story. This was very similar to the Zoetrope but using a booklet instead of the spinning wheel. The First Flip Book appeared in September 1868 by John Barnes Linnet under the name Kineograph (Latin for 'Moving Picture').
An example of a Flip Book

1891 Kinetoscope:  The Kinetopscope was the first appliance which displayed moving image. It was invented by Thomas A Edison and William Dickson in the United States 1891, first introduced to the public in 1893. They would shine a light source through the frames of film and use a shutter to show each one at a time and the viewer would look through the single peep hole and created what would look like a moving image. This was driven by an electric motor. The first prototype was released May 1891 using Flexible Film. When Edison created the Kinetoscope he  considered it to be a insignificant toy, not knowing what this was going to do for the world.
A Kinetoscope

1895 Cinematography: Cinematography was a early motion picture and projector designed by the Lumiere brothers, Auguste and Lois. This is where we get the word cinema form. There invention was first demonstrated at a Scientific Meeting in March 1895. They decided to use 35mm the same as Edison but instead of 16fps used 46fps. The Lumiere brothers first film was 'La Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon' or workers leaving the lumière factory, this film was reckoned to be the first motion picture. This was revolutionary for film makers.
The Lumière brothers, Auguste and Louis

1900 Silent Animation: The earliest age of mainstream animation known to man, lasting from 1900's to the late 1920's the same time as the rise of sound technology. One of the first animated films was created by Emile Cohl it was stop motion and was called Fantasmagorie and created in 1908. Others also include Gertie the Dinosaur - 1914, Felix the Cat - 1919. The down fall of silent animation came with the invention of sound with film, animation started to become unpopular.
Felix the Cat

The Very First Animation
The first animated film was a supposedly a film called Humorous Phases of Funny Faces and was a silent film created in 1906 by J. Stuart Blackton. The film consists of them drawing funny faces onto a chalk board and runs at 20 fps (FPS = Frames Per Second).
A link to the film = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M5So1WFNzo

The Titles for the Film
Walt Disney
Disney first started out as the studio called 'Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio', Walt Disney was in a partnership with his brother Roy Disney. But in 1926 changing there name to The Walt Disney Studio, even though still in partnership with his brother. It wasn't until 1928 that they both came up Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and later on that year Steamboat the first cartoon with synchronized sound and image. In 1937 that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released the first big film to be mad by Disney. This was the film which kick started Disney's big film career and popularity rise.
Mary Poppins is one of the most well know mixed media film, both to have animation and live action it went on to we five Oscars. Another popular mixed media film would be Who Framed Roger Rabbit? This another film to have animation and live action interact.
Image from the original Snow White
Image from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Pixar was founded in 1979 as a Graphics Group, later became Pixar in 1986. It was part of the computer division of Lucasfilm, then it was acquired by Steve Jobs, in 1986. Disney bought Pixar in 2006 and went on to create big hits such as 'Frozen'. Pixar have created 16 feature films, the latest one being the sequel to Finding Nemo, Finding Dory. All of the films produced by Pixar are among the 50 highest grossing films of all time.
Pixar Studios Logo
